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Posted: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:34 am

BGSU football player charged with OVI

A Bowling Green State University football player already under suspension from the team was charged with driving under the influence and other offenses following a traffic crash reported early Sunday in Bowling Green.

Matthew Wilcox Jr., 19, BG, a wide receiver, was charged with obstructing official business, OVI, driving under suspension, a seat belt violation, reasonable control and display of plates in the matter. A pretrial conference on the charges is set for May 16.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2018 8:34 am.

* Recognized parameters include:
* suggest-count: Number of articles to display.
* suggest-function: Name of a function that gathers suggest parameters and returns it as an object.
* Either suggest-function or suggest-count must be defined in order for recommendations to be returned.
* suggest-categories: Category filter for recommended articles. Accepts multiple values.
* suggest-domains: Domain filter for recommended articles.
* Can be “true”, “false”, or a list of domains. Accepts multiple values.
* suggest-date-start: Starting date for date filter.
* suggest-date-end: Ending date for date filter.
* suggest-panel-custom: Defines article metadata fields to be returned. Accepts multiple values.
* suggest-sponsored-count: Number of sponsored articles to display.
* observe: Indicates that the article should be observed. Can be “true” or “false”.
* observe-function: Name of a function that gathers article metadata and returns it as an object.
* Either observe-function or observe and content-id must be defined in order for articles to be observed.
* observe-title: Title of the article.
* observe-image: Article image URL.
* observe-description: Article description.
* observe-date: Article publish date.
* observe-categories: Article categories. Accepts multiple values.
* observe-sponsored: Indicates that the article is sponsored content. Can be “true” or “false”.
* content-id: Content ID of the current article.
* Content ID can also be provided through suggest-function or observe-function.
* domain: Indicates the current site’s domain name.
* report-domain: Indicates the current site’s reporting domain, for analytics.
* alt-href: Page URL.
* display-function: Name of a function that accepts “response” and “tags” parameters and generates recommendation HTML.
* features: List of additional behaviours to be assigned to this instance.
* Recognized features include “google-analytics”, “gigya”, and “infinite-scroll”. Accepts multiple values.
* priority: Priority of the recommendation element. Elements with a higher priority will process first.
* Defaults to 0 if not set.

* Represents a single Youneeq element.
* @class
* @classdesc Processes recommendations and collects article metadata.
* @param HTMLElement box – HTML element that will be represented by this handler.
function YouneeqHandler(box) = box;
this.content_id = false;
this.domain = window.location.hostname;
this.report_domain = “”;
this.alt_href = “”;
this.content_type = ‘article’;
this.suggest = false;
this.observe = false;
this.features = [];
this.is_loading = false;

this.init_all_data().request([‘first’, ‘observe’])

* Array of all youneeq box handlers present on the page.
YouneeqHandler.instances = [];

YouneeqHandler.generate = function()
var youneeq_boxes = jQuery(‘#youneeq, .youneeq’).get().sort(function(a, b)
var prio_a = jQuery(a).attr(‘data-yq-priority’),
prio_b = jQuery(b).attr(‘data-yq-priority’);

prio_a = prio_a ? parseInt(prio_a) : 0;
prio_b = prio_b ? parseInt(prio_b) : 0;

if (prio_a > prio_b)
return 1;

else if (prio_a ‘ + (s.img ?‘ : “”) +

‘ + s.title + ‘

‘ + (s.desc ? ‘

‘ + s.desc +

‘ : “”) + ‘



* Call object initialization methods.
* @returns YouneeqHandler This object.
init_all_data: function()
var args = this.get_args();
return this.init_request_data(args)

* Get element arguments from data attributes.
* @returns object Arguments object.
get_args: function() {
var count =, args = ;

for (var i = 0; i

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