An unnamedmen’s basketball coach at Drake University instructed a player who accidentally shot another student to lie to responding police officers, according to a lawsuit filed June 9.

Nathaniel Miller Jr. was shot in the head after Bulldogs forward Tremell Murphy on Aug. 31, 2019 unintentionally discharged his legally owned firearm at his home near Drake University’s campus during a party.

Miller Jr., a Texas resident who was 19 at the time of the shooting, is suing the university, Murphy, Front Doors Investors, LLC., Ross L. Peterson, D. Ann Peterson, and Peterson Family Living Trust. The Petersons and Front Doors Investors help manage the property where the shooting occurred.

Tremell Murphy, a Drake University men’s basketball player, is seen in a Polk County Jail booking photo from Thursday, Sept. 12, 2019, after his arrest in connection with an accidental shooting in Des Moines. (Photo: Polk County Jail/Special to the Register)

After the shooting but before officers arrived at the home in the 1100 block of 27th Street, a Bulldogs basketball coach showed up. The coach told Murphy to deny any involvement in the victim’s injury, according to the lawsuit.

The university denied the allegations in a statement made to the Register late Friday.

“It is not true as claimed by the plaintiff that a Drake men’s basketball coach told Mr. Murphy to deny involvement in Mr. Miller’s injuries. Additionally, the residence in which the shooting incident took place is a private residence and is not owned or otherwise affiliated with the university.”

Murphy initially told officers that Miller Jr. had fallen on a wet floor and hit his head, according to police reports.

Murphy was charged with making false reports to law enforcement and discharging a firearm within city limits, two misdemeanors. He pleaded guilty to both counts and was fined, given a suspended 30-day jail sentence and placed on probation. The senior forward was also suspended from the basketball team for five games following the charges.

Proper medical care for the victim was delayed because of the misdirection from witnesses, according to the lawsuit. Miller Jr. had to undergo surgery and struggles with his gait and eyesight as a result of the shooting.

Calls to Miller’s attorneys were not immediately returned Friday.

Head coach Darian DeVries did not immediately respond to a request for comment. He is not named in the lawsuit.

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