Dennis Rodman charged with misdemeanor drunken driving in SoCal

Former NBA star Dennis Rodman was charged on Thursday with misdemeanor drunken driving stemming from a Jan. 13 traffic stop in Newport Beach.

Prosecutors allege his blood-alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit when he was pulled over at 11:11 p.m. near 4500 West Coast Highway.

His lawyer, Paul Meyer, said that after his arrest Rodman, 56, immediately went into a residential treatment program and committed to long-term outpatient treatment.

“He recognizes the problem and is working hard,” Meyer said in a statement. “No one questions his big heart and care for others. In recent months, he completed his community-service obligation (for a previous case) by donating many hours in long-term care facilities and making a real difference in people’s lives. I think the responsible way that Dennis is facing his current situation will be an inspiration to many others.”

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