Greensburg man charged with raping two young girls

A 20-year-old Greensburg man is facing multiple rape charges after police said he met and preyed on two young girls through the social media app Snapchat. Watch the full report from Pittsburgh’s Action News 4 reporter Jim Madalinsky in the video player above. Kilian Thomas was arrested and arraigned on those charges Thursday. State police said Thomas met the two victims, ages 11 and 13, through the app and convinced them to meet in person. According to the criminal complaint, Thomas allegedly picked up the two young girls in his vehicle, drove them to a rural part of Unity Township and raped them multiple times. Police said they were able to recover evidence in the area that is currently being processed. According to the criminal complaint, Thomas admitted to having sex with the young girls. Thomas was taken to the Westmoreland County Jail after he was unable to post bail.

A 20-year-old Greensburg man is facing multiple rape charges after police said he met and preyed on two young girls through the social media app Snapchat.

Watch the full report from Pittsburgh’s Action News 4 reporter Jim Madalinsky in the video player above.

Kilian Thomas was arrested and arraigned on those charges Thursday. State police said Thomas met the two victims, ages 11 and 13, through the app and convinced them to meet in person. According to the criminal complaint, Thomas allegedly picked up the two young girls in his vehicle, drove them to a rural part of Unity Township and raped them multiple times.

Police said they were able to recover evidence in the area that is currently being processed. According to the criminal complaint, Thomas admitted to having sex with the young girls.

Thomas was taken to the Westmoreland County Jail after he was unable to post bail.

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